Ulaanbaatar Weather in June

Season – Summer

June is the first month of Summer, and Ulaanbaatar weather in June is not hot but warm and pleasant. The average Ulaanbaatar temperature in June varies between 22.5°C (72.5°F) and 9.6°C (49.3°F). The monthly average temperature is 17.8°C (64°F). During June month in Ulaanbaatar, it’s sunny most of the time. But there are 13 rainy days averagely which bring 46mm (1.8") rainfall. The average humidity is 54%. As a whole, it's nice to travel to Ulaanbaatar in June.

What clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in June

For a smooth tour around the city, you need to carry cotton shirts or t-shirts with long pants for day time and carry a warm jacket for night time. For rainy days or hours, you need to take waterproof clothes like raincoat or carry an umbrella. Also, carry waterproof shoes for convenient walking during rainy days.

June Travel Guide – Where to Go

Recommendation Rate:
 This Monument is located at the top of a hill which is at the southern part of Ulaanbaatar. Here, you can see the paintings themed on the friendship between the Mongolian people and USSR people. This hill is protected by Bogd Khaan Mountain. From this viewpoint, you can see the panoramic views of Ulaanbaatar by climbing the stairs for a minimum of 10 min. You can enjoy city lights and also can breathe the fresh air from this beautiful place.

• Buddha Garden

You can visit the Buddha Garden, which is right opposite to Zaisan Hill complex. Here you can witness the 23-metre-high statue of Sakyamuni stands.

• Galleria Ulaanbaatar

Galleria Ulaanbaatar is located next to the main square of the city which is an ideal place for shopping. It is the largest cashmere store in Ulaanbaatar where you can spend some time in shopping for local specialities.
- Last updated on Mar. 23, 2021 -