Ulaanbaatar Weather in February

Season – Winter

Ulaanbaatar weather in February  is still cold although the average high temperature increases, from an arctic cold -15.6°C (3.9°F) to a freezing cold -9.6°C (14.7°F). The average low Ulaanbaatar temperature in February is -22.2°C (-8°F). In February, the average length of the daytime is approximate 10.2 hrs with average sunshine of 7.3 hrs. The average daily UV index is 2 which does not cause much harm to skin or eyes. The average snowy days are 7. Considering the cold Ulaanbaatar climate in February, it is not a good month to travel there. But Mongolian New Year, the most famous and exciting celebration usually falls in February, when you can participate various activities.

What Clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in February

Be ready to pack your luggage full and heavy. By considering Ulaanbaatar weather in February, you need to carry warm clothes like paddy clothes, sweater, jackets, warm scarfs, shoes, and fleece to cope with the freezing temperature. If you are planning to travel at midday, you need to carry sunglasses and a hat with a wide brim to avoid direct sunlight.

February Travel Guide – Things to Do

Recommendation Rate:
 Mongolian New Year i.e. Tsagaan Sar is normally celebrated in January or February month which is the start of spring season as per the Gregorian calendar. The grand celebration starts in the Lunar New Year’s eve which is known as Bituun. Locals make a lot of delicious food for a feast. During the celebration, people ride horses and organize wrestling competitions. You can join the locals to enjoy this celebration and taste delicious traditional dishes.

• Dog Sledding Trip

When the cold Ulaanbaatar weather in February brings snows, you may enjoy dog sledding on the beautiful white landscape. You can enjoy these rides at various places such as Khuvsgul Lake, Terelj, Khentii National Park, and Bogd Khaan National Park.

• The Turtle Rock

The Turtle Rock in Gorkhi Terelj National Park is also known as Melkhi Khad by the locals in Ulaanbaatar. Here you can see a unique rock which looks like a turtle. You can also try camel ride and horse ride in the scenic area.

 Read more about Top 7 Things to Do in Mongolia in the Winter
- Last updated on May. 17, 2021 -