Ulaanbaatar Weather in August

Season – Summer

Ulaanbaatar weather in August is cool and pleasant. For this, August is considered as one of the best months of the year to visit the city. During the month of August, the average high temperature is 21°C (69.8°F), and the average low temperature is 10°C (50°F). The average relative humidity is 63%. The days are longer up to 14hrs with average 8 hrs of sunshine. August has the maximum rainy days compared with other months, reaching 16 days with the average rainfall of 70mm (2.8"). If you plan well, Ulaanbaatar climate in August can award you a memorable trip.

What clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in August

It would be best if you carry cotton shirts, t-shirts, long pants to travel around the city in August. An overcoat should also be packed into your luggage as the night is a little cold. You can also take sunglasses, caps, and other materials to protect your face and eyes from direct sunshine. Also, carry umbrella or raincoat.

August Travel Guide – Where to Go & Tips

Recommendation Rate:

• Tumen Ekh Ensemble

Tumen Ekh is one of the must-see things if you travel to Ulaanbaatar in August. You can enjoy various performances and shows such as throat singing, drawling song and traditional dances.

• Choijin Lama Temple Museum

In your trip to Ulaanbaatar, don’t miss this beautiful place. It is an architectural masterpiece which is manufactured around the 19th and 20th centuries. The Red sect Buddhism temple is an honor of an influential monk. Here you can witness master painters work, Mongolian silk applique, cast carvings, embroidery, and sculptures.

Besides, August is a good month to enjoy horse riding on the endless grassland.

 Read more about How to Experience a Mongolia Horse Riding
- Last updated on Mar. 23, 2021 -