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Tianjin to Urumqi Trains

Now, 1 train from Tianjin to Urumqi is running every day.

From Tianjin Railway Station to Urumqi Railway Station, this Tianjin to Urumqi train drives a total of 3,280 kilometers (2,038 miles).

The journey takes about 42.5 hours to the terminal station.

The soft sleeper costs CNY 908, the hard sleeper costs CNY 591 and the hard seat costs CNY 323.

Tianjin to Urumqi Trains Tickets Booking


Other Transportation Options

1. Transfer at Lanzhou West for more options

Tianjin to Lanzhou West Lanzhou West to Urumqi Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Hard sleeper / Second Class Seat
K888 21:38 – 05:42 (+2) D2701 08:07 – 19:52 46h14m CNY 370 + CNY 551= CNY 991

2. Transfer at Jinan Railway Station for more options

Tianjin South to Jinan Jinan to Urumqi Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Hard sleeper
G199 17:57 – 19: 39 Z105 22:01 – 12:00 (+2) 42h3m CNY 139.5+CNY 606= CNY 745.5

3. Tianjin to Urumqi Flights

Now, 2-5 non-stop flights from Tianjin Binhai International Airport (T2) to Urumqi Diwopu International Airport (T2) are in service, taking 4-4.5 hours to the destination. The economy class ticket costs CNY 1200 - CNY 2800 in the different time and date of departure.


Where to go in Urumqi

Heavenly Lake is characterized by a vertical natural landscape zone, snow-covered mountains and lakes. With the mythology of the ancient Yaochi Western Queen and the unique national folk customs, Heavenly Lake is the best place to go sightseeing, do scientific researches, and enjoy the national culture. You can also go to the Western Heaven Pool which is at an altitude of 1,600 meters (5,249 feet). Surrounded by clouds and trees, the waterfall flies down and the water is blue and clear. The quiet natural environment relax tourists’ body and mind.

2. Shuimogou Park

The scenic gate of Shuimogou Park is uniquely designed. The semicircular gate is very unique among similar buildings in China. No matter how far-sighted it is, it gives people a strong visual impact and is highly grand and magnificent. Entering the park, the spring water is pleasing and the tourists will get closer to the nature.

3. Urumqi Glacier No.1, Tianshan Mountains

Urumqi Glacier No.1, Tianshan Mountains are close to the city and the transportation is very convenient. Due to the intact and clear remains of ancient glaciers, it becomes one of the best places for observing glaciers in China. The beautiful nature will bring you a different visual experience and shock.

Urumqi to Tianjin Train

1 Urumqi to Tianjin train is in service now. Running from Urumqi Railway Station to Tianjin Railway Station, this Urumqi to Tianjin train takes 44.5 hours to the destination. The whole distance between these two places is 3,280 kilometers (2,038 miles).

See detailed Tianjin Train Schedule & Urumqi Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:

Major Rail Lines from Urumqi to:
- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -