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Tianjin to Sanya Train

Only 1 Tianjin to Sanya train is operated daily. A single trip of 3,640 kilometers (2,260 miles) takes over 41 hours.

The ticket price of the soft sleeper is CNY 1,346, of the hard sleeper is CNY 804, and of the hard seat is CNY 451.  The Only 1 Tianjin to Sanya train starts from Tianjin Railway Station and arrives at Sanya Railway Station.

Some transfering plans are also listed in the following, passengers can choose the suitable one.

Tianjin to Sanya Train Tickets Booking


Other Transportation Options from Tianjin to Sanya

Transfer at Guangzhou for Trains

Tianjin West to Guangzhou South Guangzhou to Sanya Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Soft Sleeper
G305 10:58-20:00 Z385 05:24-20:00 33h2m CNY 877.5+CNY 405.5=CNY 1283

 How to get to Guangzhou Railway Station from Guangzhou South Railway Station
Passengers can take Metro Line 2 from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Guangzhou Railway Station. 

Transfer at Beijing for Trains

Tianjin to Beijing South Beijing West to Sanya Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Soft Sleeper
C2044 14:14-14:44 Z201 17:54-08:12(+2) 41h58m CNY 54.5+CNY 788=CNY 842.5
C2042 14:09-14:39 42h3m
C2218 13:51-14:28 42h21m
C2040 13:45-14:15 42h27m
Tianjin West to Beijing South Beijing West to Sanya Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Soft Sleeper
C2642 14:02-14:34 Z201 17:54-08:12 42h10m CNY 54.5+CNY 788=CNY 842.5
C2640 13:38-14:10 42h34m
Tianjin South to Beijing South Beijing West to Sanya Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Soft Sleeper
G112 13:27-14:08 Z201 17:54-08:12 42h45m CNY 54.5+CNY 788=CNY 842.5 

 How to get to Beijing West Railway Station from Beijing South Railway station
To get to Beijing West Railway Station, passengers can take metro line 4 first, then get off at Caishikou station and transfer to metro line 7 to get the destination. 

Tianjin to Sanya Flight    

Besides trains, Tianjin to Sanya flights are available. Passengers can take direct flights from Tianjin Binhai International Airport to Sanya Phoenix International Airport. Taking about 3-5.5 hours, a single trip costs CNY 400-1050. 

Sanya to Tianjin Train:

Only 1 Sanya to Tianjin train is operated on a daily basis. Starting from Sanya Railway Station, it takes it 42.5 hours to finish the whole trip. 

If you prefer a faster travel way, direct flights are operated from Sanya Phoenix International Airport to Tianjin Binhai International Airport. A single trip takes only 4-6 hours. 

See detailed Tianjin Train Schedule & Sanya Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:

Major Rail Lines from Sanya to:
- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -