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Guilin to Lijiang Train

Currently, 2 Guilin to Lijiang high speed trains are operated from Guilin Railway Station or Guilin North Railway Station to Lijiang Railway Station.

It takes about 1.5 hours to finish the travel distance of 1,510 kilometers (938 miles).

It costs CNY 621.5 for a second class seat and CNY 992.5 for a first class seat.

Passengers can also transfer at Kunming South Railway Station for more trains.

Guilin to Lijiang Train Ticket Booking


Running Route of Guilin to Lijiang High Speed Train

Guilin to Lijiang line connects many southwest stations in China, including Guilin, Liuzhou, Nanjing, Pingguo, Baise, Mile, Kunming and Lijiang.

Transfer at Kunming South Railway Station

Guilin North – Kunming South Kunming South - Lijiang Overall
Ticket Price (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G2942: 08 : 10 – 12 : 55 D8785: 13 : 48 – 17 : 08 8H58M 373.5 + 230.5 = 604
G2946: 12 : 25 – 17 : 26 D8793: 19 : 01 – 22 : 21 9H56M
G2942: 08 : 10 – 12 : 55 D8767: 15 : 40 – 19 : 44 11H34M
D3903: 07 : 16 – 14 : 31 D8767: 15 : 40 – 19 : 44 12H28M 393.5 + 230.5 = 624

Where to go in Lijiang

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is located in Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang City, at an altitude of 5,596 meters (18,360 feet). It is 35 kilometers (21.75 miles) long from north to south, 13 kilometers (8.08 miles) wide from east to west, and covers an area of 960 square kilometers (237,221 acres). The snow-capped mountain looks like a silver flying dragon under the blue sky, which gives its name Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Being known as rare, risky and beautiful, the snow scenery is in its altitude 4,000 meters (13,123 feet) with seasonal and cloudy changes.
 Located under the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Lijiang Old Town has a history of nearly a thousand year. It is the first ancient town entered in the World Cultural Heritage List in China. The streets in the town are built near mountains and by rivers. Most of them were paved with red breccia, which complement the ancient city’s environment. Beautiful sceneries can be found everywhere in the Old Town of Lijiang, and it’s perfect for a vacation in all seasons.

Square Street (Sifangjie)

This one is located in the center of Lijiang Old Town with four exits to all directions. It’s said that this street was very prosperous as the economic center in ancient times. It was paved with colorful solid stones, and crisp sound is made when people walk on it. There are also plenty of cultural relics and historic sites on this street. Visitors can experience the ancient ethnic culture by sweeping views from everywhere.

Lijiang to Guilin Train

1 Lijiang to Guilin high speed train, D3942, is running every day from Lijiang Railway Station to Guilin Railway Station, taking 10.5h. Passengers will spend CNY 621.5 for a second class seat.

See detailed Guilin Train Schedule & Lijiang Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Guilin to: 
Major Rail Lines from Lijiang to:
- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -