Time Difference
Time Zones of China
Beijing Time (GMT+8)
For the unity, the whole China adopts Beijing Time, which is also in the time zone (GMT+8).
Beijing Time is worked out and released from the National Time Service Center, Shaanxi Province, which is geographically almost the center of China. Unlike western countries, China now does not follow the daylight saving time.
Beijing Time is worked out and released from the National Time Service Center, Shaanxi Province, which is geographically almost the center of China. Unlike western countries, China now does not follow the daylight saving time.
World Time Difference to China
City | Time | City | Time | City | Time |
Baghdad | 06:00 | Helsinki | 06:00 | Pyongyang | 13:00 |
Bangkok | 11:00 | Ho Chi Minh City | 11:00 | Rangoon | 10:00 |
Berlin | 05:30 | Honolulu | 18:00 | Rio de Janeiro | 01:00 |
Berne | 05:00 | Irkutsk | 12:00 | Rome | 05:30 |
Bombay | 09:30 | Jakarta | 11:30 | Rwanda | 05:00 |
Brussels | 04:00 | Karachi | 09:00 | San Francisco | 20:00 |
Bucharest | 06:00 | Khartoum | 06:00 | Santiago | 24:00 |
Budapest | 05:00 | Kuala Lumpur | 11:30 | Seoul | 13:00 |
Buenos Aires | 01:00 | Leningrad | 07:00 | Singapore | 11:30 |
Cairo | 06:00 | Lisbon | 04:00 | Sofia | 06:00 |
Calcutta | 09:00 | London | 04:00 | Stockholm | 05:00 |
Cape Town | 06:00 | Manila | 12:00 | Surabaya | 11:30 |
Casablanca | 04:00 | Melbourne | 14:00 | Sydney | 14:00 |
Colombo | 09:30 | Mexico City | 21:00 | Teheran | 06:00 |
Conakry | 04:00 | Montreal | 23:00 | Tirana | 05:00 |
Copenhagen | 05:00 | Moscow | 07:00 | Tokyo | 13:00 |
Damascus | 06:00 | New Delhi | 09:30 | Tunisia | 05:00 |
Geneva | 05:00 | New York | 23:00 | Vancouver | 20:00 |
Guatemala City | 22:00 | Osaka | 13:00 | Vienna | 05:00 |
Haiphong | 11:00 | Panama City | 23:00 | Warsaw | 05:00 |
Hanoi | 11:00 | Paris | 04:00 | Washington | 23:00 |
Havana | 23:00 | Prague | 05:00 | Wellington | 16:00 |
Further Reading:
Business Hours
- Last updated on Jul. 31, 2021 -