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Time Difference

Time Zones of China

Geographically, China covers five time zones (Zhongyuan, Longshu, Tibet, Kunlun and Changbai Time Zones). However, the standard times used in Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Province are the same, for they are all in the same time zone (UTC+8), 8 hours ahead of the Universal Time Coordinated.

Beijing Time (GMT+8)

For the unity, the whole China adopts Beijing Time, which is also in the time zone (GMT+8).

Beijing Time is worked out and released from the National Time Service Center, Shaanxi Province, which is geographically almost the center of China. Unlike western countries, China now does not follow the daylight saving time.

World Time Difference to China

China is 13 hours ahead of New York, 12 hours ahead of Toronto, and 2 hours behind Melbourne. When Beijing is 12:00 at noon, the standard times in other main cities are as follows:

City Time City Time City Time
Baghdad 06:00 Helsinki 06:00 Pyongyang 13:00
Bangkok 11:00 Ho Chi Minh City 11:00 Rangoon 10:00
Berlin 05:30 Honolulu 18:00 Rio de Janeiro 01:00
Berne 05:00 Irkutsk 12:00 Rome 05:30
Bombay 09:30 Jakarta 11:30 Rwanda 05:00
Brussels 04:00 Karachi 09:00 San Francisco 20:00
Bucharest 06:00 Khartoum 06:00 Santiago 24:00
Budapest 05:00 Kuala Lumpur 11:30 Seoul 13:00
Buenos Aires 01:00 Leningrad 07:00 Singapore 11:30
Cairo 06:00 Lisbon 04:00 Sofia 06:00
Calcutta 09:00 London 04:00 Stockholm 05:00
Cape Town 06:00 Manila 12:00 Surabaya 11:30
Casablanca 04:00 Melbourne 14:00 Sydney 14:00
Colombo 09:30 Mexico City 21:00 Teheran 06:00
Conakry 04:00 Montreal 23:00 Tirana 05:00
Copenhagen 05:00 Moscow 07:00 Tokyo 13:00
Damascus 06:00 New Delhi 09:30 Tunisia 05:00
Geneva 05:00 New York 23:00 Vancouver 20:00
Guatemala City 22:00 Osaka 13:00 Vienna 05:00
Haiphong 11:00 Panama City 23:00 Warsaw 05:00
Hanoi 11:00 Paris 04:00 Washington 23:00
Havana 23:00 Prague 05:00 Wellington 16:00

 Further Reading:
Business Hours

- Last updated on Jul. 31, 2021 -