Dali Weather in March

Dali weather in March is warm and sunny. The lowest temperature is only 7°C (45°F), and the highest temperature could reach up to 20°C (68°F) within a day. March is not the rainy season, and the monthly total precipitation is about 42mm. Although March is a little dry, the soft sunshine and gentle wind make the climate suitable for outdoor activities.

As the temperature is gradually rising, the pleasant climate in March in Dali makes it suitable for sightseeing. In March, the low travel season, tourists enjoy ample natural scenes with low price.

See more about Yunnan Weather in March.

Averages for Dali Weather in March

Temperature: 13°C / 55°F
High Temperature: 20°C / 68°F
Low Temperature: 7°C / 45°F
Humidity: 51%
Rainfall: 42 mm
Rainy Days: 9 days
Sunrise: 07:12 ~ 07:43
Sunset: 19:21 ~ 19:36
Air Quality in March
Average AQI:57
Dali Air Quality in March

What to Wear in Dali in March

Considering the rising temperature of Dali weather in March, just bring some thin clothing, like thin jacket and trench coat, to prevent the declination of temperature at night. When it’s warm during the daytime, a blouse, thin knitwear or thin sweater is appropriate and comfortable. A cap or a pair of sunglasses may be useful to protect you from intense sunshine. Besides this, a long skirt with local ethnic minorities’ elements is popular among girls and women for taking pictures.
Dali Clothes in March March Wear in Dali

Where to Go in Dali in March

Dali scenery in March is awesome. Thanks to the warmer weather, a lot of flowers come into blossom one after another, especially the rape flowers at the bottom of Cangshan Mountain, the red azalea flowers on the west slope of Cangshan Mountain, and the white pear flowers on the upper reaches of Erhai Lake.
Blossoming FlowersBlossoming Flowers
Dali Small Putuo IslandDali Small Putuo Island

Other Tips

If you are allergenic to flowers, please wear a mask or take some medicine to beat pollen hypersensitivity.

What is the temperature in Dali in March?

High/Low Temperatures of Dali in March
Temperatures Graph of Dali in March
Air Quality of Dali in March
Dali AQI Graph in March

Historical Dali Weather in March

March Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 18.7°C / 65.6°F 5.8°C / 42.4°F 07:43 / 19:21 42
2 18.8°C / 65.8°F 5.9°C / 42.6°F 07:42 / 19:22 40
3 18.9°C / 66°F 6°C / 42.8°F 07:41 / 19:22 39
4 19°C / 66.2°F 6.1°C / 42°F 07:40 / 19:23 49
5 19.1°C / 66.3°F 6.2°C / 43.1°F 07:39 / 19:23 54
6 19.2°C / 66.5°F 6.3°C / 43.3°F 07:38 / 19:24 57
7 19.3°C / 66.7°F 6.4°C / 43.5°F 07:37 / 19:24 49
8 19.4°C / 66.9°F 6.5°C / 43.7°F 07:36 / 19:25 42
9 19.5°C / 67.1°F 6.7°C / 44°F 07:35 / 19:25 77
10 19.6°C / 67.2°F 6.8°C / 44.2°F 07:34 / 19:26 66
11 19.7°C / 67.4°F 6.9°C / 44.4°F 07:33 / 19:26 63
12 19.8°C / 67.6°F 7°C / 44.6°F 07:32 / 19:27 84
13 19.9°C / 67.8°F 7.2°C / 44.9°F 07:31 / 19:27 67
14 20°C / 68°F 7.3°C / 45.1°F 07:30 / 19:28 48
15 20.1°C / 68.1°F 7.4°C / 45.3°F 07:29 / 19:28 46
16 20.2°C / 68.3°F 7.5°C / 45.5°F 07:28 / 19:29 37
17 20.3°C / 68.5°F 7.6°C / 45.6°F 07:27 / 19:29 43
18 20.4°C / 68.7°F 7.8°C / 46°F 07:26 / 19:30 41
19 20.5°C / 68.9°F 7.9°C / 46.2°F 07:25 / 19:30 60
20 20.6°C / 69.1°F 8°C / 46.4°F 07:24 / 19:31 39
21 20.7°C / 69.2°F 8.1°C / 46.5°F 07:22 / 19:31 70
22 20.8°C / 69.4°F 8.2°C / 46.7°F 07:21 / 19:31 46
23 20.9°C / 69.6°F 8.3°C / 46.9°F 07:20 / 19:32 39
24 21°C / 69.8°F 8.4°C / 47.1°F 07:19 / 19:32 42
25 21.1°C / 69.9°F 8.5°C / 47.3°F 07:18 / 19:33 49
26 21.2°C / 70.1°F 8.6°C / 47.4°F 07:17 / 19:33 47
27 21.3°C / 70.3°F 8.7°C / 47.6°F 07:16 / 19:34 53
28 21.4°C / 70.5°F 8.8°C / 47.8°F 07:15 / 19:34 61
29 21.5°C / 70.7°F 8.9°C / 48°F 07:14 / 19:35 61
30 21.6°C / 70.8°F 9°C / 48.2°F 07:13 / 19:35 83
31 21.7°C / 71°F 9°C / 48.2°F 07:12 / 19:36 79

- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Demi Li -